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References to Apoptosis Inhibitor of Macrophage (CD5 molecul-like protein)

  • Arai S, Miyazaki T. Impacts of the apoptosis inhibitor of macrophage (AIM) on obesity-associated inflammatory diseases. Semin Immunopathol. 2014 Jan;36 (1):3-12
  • Arai S, Shelton JM, Chen M, Bradley MN, Castrillo A, Bookout AL, Mak PA, Edwards PA, Mangelsdorf DJ, Tontonoz P, Miyazaki T. A role for the apoptosis inhibitory factor AIM/Spalpha/Api6 in atherosclerosis development. Cell Metab. 2005 Mar;1 (3):201-13
  • Boes M. Role of natural and immune IgM antibodies in immune responses. Mol Immunol. 2000 Dec;37 (18):1141-9
  • Calvo J, Places L, Padilla O, Vila JM, Vives J, Bowen MA, Lozano F. Interaction of recombinant and natural soluble CD5 forms with an alternative cell surface ligand. Eur J Immunol. 1999 Jul;29 (7):2119-29
  • Gebe JA, Kiener PA, Ring HZ, Li X, Francke U, Aruffo A. Molecular cloning, mapping to human chromosome 1 q21-q23, and cell binding characteristics of Spalpha, a new member of the scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) family of proteins. J Biol Chem. 1997 Mar 7;272 (10):6151-8
  • Hardy RR, Hayakawa K. CD5 B cells, a fetal B cell lineage. Adv Immunol. 1994;55:297-339
  • Haruta I, Kato Y, Hashimoto E, Minjares C, Kennedy S, Uto H, Yamauchi K, Kobayashi M, Yusa S, Muller U, Hayashi N, Miyazaki T. Association of AIM, a novel apoptosis inhibitory factor, with hepatitis via supporting macrophage survival and enhancing phagocytotic function of macrophages. J Biol Chem. 2001 Jun 22;276 (25):22910-4
  • Kuwata K, Watanabe H, Jiang SY, Yamamoto T, Tomiyama-Miyaji C, Abo T, Miyazaki T, Naito M. AIM inhibits apoptosis of T cells and NKT cells in Corynebacterium-induced granuloma formation in mice. Am J Pathol. 2003 Mar;162 (3):837-47
  • Mimura I, Nangaku M. The suffocating kidney: tubulointerstitial hypoxia in end-stage renal disease. Nat Rev Nephrol. 2010 Nov;6 (11):667-78
  • Miyazaki T, Kurokawa J, Arai S. AIMing at metabolic syndrome. -Towards the development of novel therapies for metabolic diseases via apoptosis inhibitor of macrophage (AIM).-. Circ J. 2011;75 (11):2522-31
  • Nakaya H, Sasamura H, Hayashi M, Saruta T. Temporary treatment of prepubescent rats with angiotensin inhibitors suppresses the development of hypertensive nephrosclerosis. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2001 Apr;12 (4):659-66
  • Sarrias MR, Padilla O, Monreal Y, Carrascal M, Abian J, Vives J, Yelamos J, Lozano F. Biochemical characterization of recombinant and circulating human Spalpha. Tissue Antigens. 2004 Apr;63 (4):335-44
  • Tissot JD, Sanchez JC, Vuadens F, Scherl A, Schifferli JA, Hochstrasser DF, Schneider P, Duchosal MA. IgM are associated to Sp alpha (CD5 antigen-like). Electrophoresis. 2002 Apr;23 (7-8):1203-6
  • Uramatsu T, Nishino T, Obata Y, Sato Y, Furusu A, Koji T, Miyazaki T, Kohno S. Involvement of apoptosis inhibitor of macrophages in a rat hypertension model with nephrosclerosis: possible mechanisms of action of olmesartan and azelnidipine. Biol Pharm Bull. 2013;36 (8):1271-7
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