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References to Club Cell Protein (CC10, CC16, uteroglobin, urinary protein 1, Clara Cell Secretory Protein, Casein kinase 1, CK1)

  • Deraz T, Kamel TB, El-Mogy MI, Moustafa EH. Serum and nasal lavage fluid Clara cell protein decreases in children with allergic rhinitis. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 76(9):1241–4 (2012)
  • Wuetzler S, Backhaus L, Henrich D, Geiger E: Clara cell protein16: A biomarker for detecting secondary respiratory complications in patients with multiple injuries. J Trauma Acute Care Surgery 73(4): 838–842 (2012)
  • Chowdhury B, Zhang Z, Mukherjee AB. Uteroglobin interacts with the heparin-binding site of fibronectin and prevents fibronectin-IgA complex formation found in IgA-nephropathy. FEBS Lett. 82(5):611–5 (2008)
  • Braido F, Riccio AM, Guerra L, Gamalero C, Zolezzi A, Tarantini F, De Giovanni B, Folli C, Descalzi D, Canonica GW. Clara cell 16 protein in COPD sputum: a marker of small airways damage? Respir Med. 101(10):2119–24 (2007)
  • Shijubo N., Kawabata I., Sato N., Itoh Y.: Clinical Aspects of Clara Cell 10-kDa Protein/ Uteroglobin (Secretoglobin 1A1), Current Pharmaceutical Design, 9, 1139–1149, (2003)
  • Nord M., Schubert K., Cassel T., Andersson O., Riise G.: Decreased serum and bronchoalveolar lavage levels of Clara cell secretory protein (CC16) is associated with bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome and airway neutrophilia in lung transplant recipients. Transplantation, 73, 1264–1269, (2002)
  • Petrek M., Hermans C., Kolek V., Fialova J., Bernard A.: Clara cell protein (CC16) in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of subjects exposed to asbestos. Biomarkers, 7(1), 58–67, (2002)
  • Hermans C., Petrek M., Kolek V., Weynand B., Pieters T., Lambert M., Bernard A.: Serum Clara cell protein (CC16), a marker of the integrity of the air-blood barrier in sarcoidosis. Eur Respir J, 18(3), 507–514 (2001)
  • Bernard A., Roels H., Lauwerys R., Witters R., Gielens C., Soumillion A. et al.: Human urinary protein 1: Evidence for identity with the Clara cell protein and occurrence in respiratory tract and urogenital secretions. Clin Chim Acta, 207, 239–249, (1992)
  • Bernard A., Lauwerys R., Noel A., Vandeleene B., Lambert A.: Urine protein 1: a sexdependent marker of tubular or glomerular dysfunction. Clin Chem, 35, 2141–2142, (1989)
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