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References to miR-136-5p

  • ZHAO, Henan, et al. Expression of miR-136 is associated with the primary cisplatin resistance of human epithelial ovarian cancer. Oncology reports, 2015, 33.2: 591-598.
  • YUAN, Qinggong, et al. MicroRNA-136 inhibits colon cancer cell proliferation and invasion through targeting liver receptor homolog-1/Wnt signaling. Gene, 2017, 628: 48-55.
  • GUO, Tao; PAN, Guobiao. MicroRNA-136 functions as a tumor suppressor in osteosarcoma via regulating metadherin. Cancer Biomarkers, 2018, Preprint: 1-9.
  • DING, Hua, et al. Downregulation of miR 136 5p in hepatocellular carcinoma and its clinicopathological significance. Molecular medicine reports, 2017, 16.4: 5393-5405.
  • SHEN, Sining, et al. Upregulation of miR-136 in human non-small cell lung cancer cells promotes Erk1/2 activation by targeting PPP2R2A. Tumor Biology, 2014, 35.1: 631-640.
  • CHEN, Xuyan; HUANG, Zhiming; CHEN, Renpin. MicroRNA-136 promotes proliferation and invasion ingastric cancer cells through Pten/Akt/P-Akt signaling pathway. Oncology letters, 2018, 15.4: 4683-4689.
  • WAN, Lei, et al. Plasma miR 136 can be used to screen patients with knee osteoarthritis from healthy controls by targeting IL 17. Experimental and therapeutic medicine, 2018, 16.4: 3419-3424.
  • MOTAWI, Tarek Mk, et al. Role of mesenchymal stem cells exosomes derived microRNAs; miR-136, miR-494 and miR-495 in pre-eclampsia diagnosis and evaluation. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, 2018.