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References to miR-451a

  • Uchida, Akifumi, et al. "Regulation of KIF2A by Antitumor miR-451a Inhibits Cancer Cell Aggressiveness Features in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma." Cancers 11.2 (2019): 258.
  • Minna, Emanuela, et al. "miR-451a is underexpressed and targets AKT/mTOR pathway in papillary thyroid carcinoma." Oncotarget 7.11 (2016): 12731.
  • Takahasi, Kunihiko, et al. "Usefulness of exosome‐encapsulated microRNA‐451a as a minimally invasive biomarker for prediction of recurrence and prognosis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma." Journal of Hepato‐Biliary‐Pancreatic Sciences 25.2 (2018): 155-161.
  • Xu, Ke, et al. "MiR-451a suppressing BAP31 can inhibit proliferation and increase apoptosis through inducing ER stress in colorectal cancer." Cell death & disease 10.3 (2019): 152.
  • Liu, Feng, et al. "Increased T‐helper 17 cell differentiation mediated by exosome‐mediated micro RNA‐451 redistribution in gastric cancer infiltrated T cells." Cancer science 109.1 (2018): 65-73.
  • Shen, Yong, et al. "MiR-451 as a new tumor marker for gastric cancer." Oncotarget 8.34 (2017): 56542.
  • Bergamaschi, Anna, and Benita S. Katzenellenbogen. "Tamoxifen downregulation of miR-451 increases 14-3-3ζ and promotes breast cancer cell survival and endocrine resistance." Oncogene 31.1 (2012): 39.
  • Godlewski, Jakub, et al. "microRNA-451: A conditional switch controlling glioma cell proliferation and migration." Cell Cycle 9.14 (2010): 2814-2820.
  • Sun, Hui, and Pingdong Jiang. "MicroRNA‐451a acts as tumor suppressor in cutaneous basal cell carcinoma." Molecular genetics & genomic medicine 6.6 (2018): 1001-1009.
  • Xiao, X. B., et al. "Effect of rituximab combined with chemotherapy on the expression of serum exosome miR-451a in patients with diffuse large b-cell lymphoma." European review for medical and pharmacological sciences 23.4 (2019): 1620-1625.
  • Zhaoa, Shaorong, et al. "Exosomal miR-451a Functions as a Tumor Suppressor in Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Targeting LPIN1." Cellular physiology and biochemistry: international journal of experimental cellular physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology 53.1 (2019): 19-35.
  • Shen, Y. Y., et al. "MiR-451a suppressed cell migration and invasion in non-small cell lung cancer through targeting ATF2." Eur. Rev. Med. Pharmacol. Sci 22 (2018): 5554-5561.
  • Guo, Hongbao, et al. "miRNA-451 inhibits glioma cell proliferation and invasion by downregulating glucose transporter 1." Tumor Biology 37.10 (2016): 13751-13761.
  • Trattnig, Christa, et al. "MicroRNA-451a overexpression induces accelerated neuronal differentiation of Ntera2/D1 cells and ablation affects neurogenesis in microRNA-451a-/-mice." PloS one 13.11 (2018): e0207575.
  • Patz, Silke, et al. "More than cell dust: microparticles isolated from cerebrospinal fluid of brain injured patients are messengers carrying mRNAs, miRNAs, and proteins." Journal of neurotrauma 30.14 (2013): 1232-1242.
  • Giordano, Mauro, et al. "Circulating MiRNA-195-5p and-451a in Transient and Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients in an Emergency Department." Journal of clinical medicine 8.2 (2019): 130.
  • Munk, Rachel, et al. "Loss of miR-451a enhances SPARC production during myogenesis." PloS one 14.3 (2019): e0214301.
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