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miRNA portfolio updates for 2023

microRNA & sncRNAs

Welcome to the world of short RNA molecules.


The incredible regulatory power of microRNAs (miRNAs) and other short non-coding RNA sequences (sncRNA) was discovered very recently. Research into these highly abundant RNAs revealed their crucial involvement in orchestration of all molecular signalling pathways (p53, Wnt, FAS and others).

The ability of miRNAs to immediately respond to pathological processes, like tumorigenesis or inflammation, together with their stability in biofluids predetermine them to be specific and sensitive biomarkers for a wide range of diseases. Their proper expression profiling was a challenge for a long time, mostly due to their short length (20–25 nt).

Until now…

BioVendor brings a complete solution with its own excellent, patented and verified methods. Complete solution for your miRNA/sncRNA project starting with isolation, followed by screening for proper targets and final quantification of them.

Novel diagnostic approach using miRNAs is no longer just the future possibility.
You can find it in our portfolio.



For the upcoming year, we have prepared for you several novelties in our miRNA portfolio which you should not miss: 

  • the termination of development and production of miREIA kits followed by the warehouse sale,
  • Two-Tailed RT-qPCR technology and the development expansion,

    miREIA: Termination of development and production

    With the effect from January 1st, 2023, we are terminating the development and production of our miREIA kits, which will be in our portfolio fully replaced by patented Two-Tailed RT-qPCR technology.

    If your customers have any ongoing grant projects related to our miREIA portfolio, we will accept and process your orders throughout the first quartal of 2023.
    So don't hesitate to contact us for more details and support at tothova@biovendor-mdx.com.

    Otherwise, we are happy to introduce you to our Two-Tailed RT-qPCR technology, which we will continue to develop and enrich the portfolio.


    miREIA 2023 sales please see here.

    Do you have any questions? Contact us!


    Iveta Tóthová, PhD.

    Business Development Manager

    Phone: +420 724 873 015

    E-mail: tothova@biovendor-mdx.com

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