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References to Bile Salt-Activated Lipase (BAL, Bile salt-stimulated lipase, BSSL, Bucelipase, Carboxyl ester lipase, Cholesterol esterase, Pancreatic lysophospholipase, Sterol esterase, CEL)

  • Baba T, Downs D, Jackson KW, Tang J, Wang CS. Structure of human milk bile salt activated lipase. Biochemistry. 1991 Jan 15;30 (2):500-10
  • Christie DL, Cleverly DR, O'Connor CJ. Human milk bile-salt stimulated lipase. Sequence similarity with rat lysophospholipase and homology with the active site region of cholinesterases. FEBS Lett. 1991 Jan 28;278 (2):190-4
  • Hui DY, Hayakawa K, Oizumi J. Lipoamidase activity in normal and mutagenized pancreatic cholesterol esterase (bile salt-stimulated lipase). Biochem J. 1993 Apr 1;291 ( Pt 1):65-9
  • Hui DY, Kissel JA. Sequence identity between human pancreatic cholesterol esterase and bile salt-stimulated milk lipase. FEBS Lett. 1990 Dec 10;276 (1-2):131-4
  • Humphray SJ, Oliver K, Hunt AR, Plumb RW, Loveland JE, Howe KL, Andrews TD, Searle S, Hunt SE, Scott CE, Jones MC, Ainscough R, Almeida JP, Ambrose KD, Ashwell RI, Babbage AK, Babbage S, Bagguley CL, Bailey J, Banerjee R, Barker DJ, Barlow KF, Bates K, Beasley H, Beasley O, Bird CP, Bray-Allen S, Brown AJ, Brown JY, Burford D, Burrill W, Burton J, Carder C, Carter NP, Chapman JC, Chen Y, Clarke G, Clark SY, Clee CM, Clegg S, Collier RE, Corby N, Crosier M, Cummings AT, Davies J, Dhami P, Dunn M, Dutta I, Dyer LW, Earthrowl ME, Faulkner L, Fleming CJ, Frankish A, Frankland JA, French L, Fricker DG, Garner P, Garnett J, Ghori J, Gilbert JG, Glison C, Grafham DV, Gribble S, Griffiths C, Griffiths-Jones S, Grocock R, Guy J, Hall RE, Hammond S, Harley JL, Harrison ES, Hart EA, Heath PD, Henderson CD, Hopkins BL, Howard PJ, Howden PJ, Huckle E, Johnson C, Johnson D, Joy AA, Kay M, Keenan S, Kershaw JK, Kimberley AM, King A, Knights A, Laird GK, Langford C, Lawlor S, Leongamornlert DA, Leversha M, Lloyd C, Lloyd DM,. DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 9. Nature. 2004 May 27;429 (6990):369-74
  • Lidberg U, Nilsson J, Stromberg K, Stenman G, Sahlin P, Enerback S, Bjursell G. Genomic organization, sequence analysis, and chromosomal localization of the human carboxyl ester lipase (CEL) gene and a CEL-like (CELL) gene. Genomics. 1992 Jul;13 (3):630-40
  • Madeyski K, Lidberg U, Bjursell G, Nilsson J. Structure and organization of the human carboxyl ester lipase locus. Mamm Genome. 1998 Apr;9 (4):334-8
  • Mechref Y, Chen P, Novotny MV. Structural characterization of the N-linked oligosaccharides in bile salt-stimulated lipase originated from human breast milk. Glycobiology. 1999 Mar;9 (3):227-34
  • Nilsson J, Blackberg L, Carlsson P, Enerback S, Hernell O, Bjursell G. cDNA cloning of human-milk bile-salt-stimulated lipase and evidence for its identity to pancreatic carboxylic ester hydrolase. Eur J Biochem. 1990 Sep 11;192 (2):543-50
  • Raeder H, Johansson S, Holm PI, Haldorsen IS, Mas E, Sbarra V, Nermoen I, Eide SA, Grevle L, Bjorkhaug L, Sagen JV, Aksnes L, Sovik O, Lombardo D, Molven A, Njolstad PR. Mutations in the CEL VNTR cause a syndrome of diabetes and pancreatic exocrine dysfunction. Nat Genet. 2006 Jan;38 (1):54-62
  • Roudani S, Miralles F, Margotat A, Escribano MJ, Lombardo D. Bile salt-dependent lipase transcripts in human fetal tissues. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1995 Oct 17;1264 (1):141-50
  • Terzyan S, Wang CS, Downs D, Hunter B, Zhang XC. Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human bile salt activated lipase. Protein Sci. 2000 Sep;9 (9):1783-90
  • Wang CS, Dashti A, Jackson KW, Yeh JC, Cummings RD, Tang J. Isolation and characterization of human milk bile salt-activated lipase C-tail fragment. Biochemistry. 1995 Aug 22;34 (33):10639-44
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