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Stanniocalcin 2 Human HEK293

  • Regulatory status:RUO
  • Type:Recombinant protein
  • Source:HEK293
  • Other names:Stanniocalcin-related protein, STC-related protein, STCRP, STC2
  • Species:Human
Cat. No. Size Price
1 - 4 pcs / 5 - 9 pcs / 10+ pcs

RD172096100 0.1 mg $421 / $370 / On request
PubMed Product Details
Technical Data


Recombinant protein


Total 289 AA. Mw: 31.9 kDa (calculated). C-Terminal Flag-tag, 12 AA. The AA sequence is identical to Swiss-Prot- O76061 (STC2, aa 25–302).

Amino Acid Sequence


Thr 1 to Asn 5 were confirmed by N-terminal sequencing




˃ 90 % by SDS-PAGE


12% SDS-PAGE separation of Human STC-2
1. M.W. marker – 14, 21, 31, 45, 66, 97 kDa
2. reduced and heated sample, 5μg/lane
3. non-reduced and non-heated sample, 5μg/lane


< 1.0 EU/µg


Filtered (0.4 μm) and lyophilized in 0.5 mg/mL in PBS buffer, pH 7.4


Add deionized water to prepare a working stock solution of approximately 0.5 mg/mL and let the lyophilized pellet dissolve completely.


Western blotting, ELISA


At ambient temperature. Upon receipt, store the product at the temperature recommended below.


Store the lyophilized protein at -80 °C. Lyophilized protein remains stable until the expiry date when stored at -80 °C. Aliquot reconstituted protein to avoid repeated freezing/thawing cycles and store at -80 °C for long term storage. Reconstituted protein can be stored at 4 °C for a week.

Quality Control Test

BCA to determine quantity of the protein.
SDS PAGE to determine purity of the protein. Endotoxin level determination.


This product is intended for research use only.


Research topic

Bone and cartilage metabolism, Oncology


Stanniocalcin 2 (STC2) is a secreted, homodimeric glycoprotein that is expressed in a wide variety of tissues including muscle, heart, pancreas, kidney, spleen, prostate, small intestine, colon and peripheral blood leukocytes. The encoded protein has 10 of its 15 cysteine residues conserved among stanniocalcin family members and is phosphorylated by casein kinase 2 exclusively on its serine residues. Its C-terminus contains a cluster of histidine residues which may interact with metal ions. STC2 may have autocrine or paracrine functions. The protein may play a role in the regulation of renal and intestinal calcium and phosphate transport, cell metabolism, or cellular calcium/phosphate homeostasis. Constitutive overexpression of human stanniocalcin 2 in mice resulted in pre- and postnatal growth restriction, reduced bone and skeletal muscle growth, and organomegaly. STC2 is also known to be involved in the regulation of unfolded protein response in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), as well as in the regulation of cell proliferation under hypoxic conditions. In addition, a series of recent studies have shown that STC2 is also associated with cancer development. The expression of STC2 is up-regulated in several cancer types, including gastric cancer, neuroblastoma, colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer. Expression of STC2 gene is induced by estrogen and altered in some breast cancers. It was found the significant difference in the activity of the MAPK signaling pathway between cisplatin sensitive and resistant cervical cancer cells, and that STC2 could regulate the activity of the MAPK signaling pathway. This suggesting an important role for STC2 in the development and progression of cancers but despite these pioneering studies, the clinical significance and molecular mechanism of STC2 in cancers, however, still remain controversial and need to be further elucidated.

Summary References (15)

References to Stanniocalcin 2

  • Esseghir S, Kennedy A, Seedhar P, Nerurkar A, Poulsom R, Reis-Filho JS, Isacke CM. Identification of NTN4, TRA1, and STC2 as prognostic markers in breast cancer in a screen for signal sequence encoding proteins. Clin Cancer Res. 2007 Jun 1;13 (11):3164-73
  • Gagliardi AD, Kuo EY, Raulic S, Wagner GF, DiMattia GE. Human stanniocalcin-2 exhibits potent growth-suppressive properties in transgenic mice independently of growth hormone and IGFs. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Jan;288 (1):E92-105
  • Ieta K, Tanaka F, Yokobori T, Kita Y, Haraguchi N, Mimori K, Kato H, Asao T, Inoue H, Kuwano H, Mori M. Clinicopathological significance of stanniocalcin 2 gene expression in colorectal cancer. Int J Cancer. 2009 Aug 15;125 (4):926-31
  • Ishibashi K, Miyamoto K, Taketani Y, Morita K, Takeda E, Sasaki S, Imai M. Molecular cloning of a second human stanniocalcin homologue (STC2). Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1998 Sep 18;250 (2):252-8
  • Ito D, Walker JR, Thompson CS, Moroz I, Lin W, Veselits ML, Hakim AM, Fienberg AA, Thinakaran G. Characterization of stanniocalcin 2, a novel target of the mammalian unfolded protein response with cytoprotective properties. Mol Cell Biol. 2004 Nov;24 (21):9456-69
  • Jellinek DA, Chang AC, Larsen MR, Wang X, Robinson PJ, Reddel RR. Stanniocalcin 1 and 2 are secreted as phosphoproteins from human fibrosarcoma cells. Biochem J. 2000 Sep 1;350 Pt 2:453-61
  • Law AY, Wong CK. Stanniocalcin-2 is a HIF-1 target gene that promotes cell proliferation in hypoxia. Exp Cell Res. 2010 Feb 1;316 (3):466-76
  • Mittapalli VR, Prols F, Huang R, Christ B, Scaal M. Avian stanniocalcin-2 is expressed in developing striated muscle and joints. Anat Embryol (Berl). 2006 Oct;211 (5):519-23
  • Moore EE, Kuestner RE, Conklin DC, Whitmore TE, Downey W, Buddle MM, Adams RL, Bell LA, Thompson DL, Wolf A, Chen L, Stamm MR, Grant FJ, Lok S, Ren H, De Jongh KS. Stanniocalcin 2: characterization of the protein and its localization to human pancreatic alpha cells. Horm Metab Res. 1999 Jul;31 (7):406-14
  • Paciga M, James K, Gillespie JR, Wagner GF. Evidence for cross-talk between stanniocalcins. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2005 Nov;83 (11):953-6
  • Raulic S, Ramos-Valdes Y, DiMattia GE. Stanniocalcin 2 expression is regulated by hormone signalling and negatively affects breast cancer cell viability in vitro. J Endocrinol. 2008 Jun;197 (3):517-29
  • Tamura K, Furihata M, Chung SY, Uemura M, Yoshioka H, Iiyama T, Ashida S, Nasu Y, Fujioka T, Shuin T, Nakamura Y, Nakagawa H. Stanniocalcin 2 overexpression in castration-resistant prostate cancer and aggressive prostate cancer. Cancer Sci. 2009 May;100 (5):914-9
  • Wang Y, Gao Y, Cheng H, Yang G, Tan W. Stanniocalcin 2 promotes cell proliferation and cisplatin resistance in cervical cancer. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015 Oct 23;466 (3):362-8
  • Yahata K, Mori K, Mukoyama M, Sugawara A, Suganami T, Makino H, Nagae T, Fujinaga Y, Nabeshima Y, Nakao K. Regulation of stanniocalcin 1 and 2 expression in the kidney by klotho gene. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2003 Oct 10;310 (1):128-34
  • Yokobori T, Mimori K, Ishii H, Iwatsuki M, Tanaka F, Kamohara Y, Ieta K, Kita Y, Doki Y, Kuwano H, Mori M. Clinical significance of stanniocalcin 2 as a prognostic marker in gastric cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2010 Oct;17 (10):2601-7
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