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Taenia solium cysticercosis is an infection of humans and pigs with the metacestode larvae (cysticercus) of Taenia solium. Circulating antigen detection in serum is an important diagnostic method that indicates the presence of viable parasites. The monoclonal antibodies (IgG isotype) used in this assay are produced against excretory secretory products (ESP) of viable T. saginata cysticerci (Brandt et al., 1992; Dorny et al., 2004). The glycoprotein antigens detected by these monoclonal antibodies are present on the tegument and in the excretory-secretory-products of metacestodes (Draelants et al., 1995). The assay only demonstrates the presence of viable cysticerci, it does not detect degenerated or calcified cysticerci. In this respect, unlike antibody detection, measurement of circulating antigen levels allows differentiation of cysticercosis cases with viable parasites, with antigen levels correlating to the numbers and size of lesions. It can as such also provide a tool for serological monitoring of antiparasitic therapy in human or pigs: antigen levels drop rapidly after successful anthelminthic treatment (Deckers & Dorny, 2010).

2 results found in Immunoassays

Product Size Price
Cysticercosis Ag ELISA

RAD650501 96 wells (1 kit)
RAD650505 5 x 96 wells (5 plate pack)
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