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References to Thyroxine

  • Comoglio S, Celada F. An immuno-enzymatic assay of cortisol using E. coli beta-galactosidase as label. J Immunol Methods. 1976 Mar;10 (2-3):161-70
  • Ingbar SH, Braverman LE, Dawber NA, Lee GY. A new method for measuring the free thyroid hormone in human serum and an analysis of the factors that influence its concentration. J Clin Invest. 1965 Oct;44 (10):1679-89
  • McComb RB, Bowers GN, Posen S. Alkaline Phosphatase. Plenum Press, New York. 1979;1st Ed., Chap. 9:525-704
  • Robbins J. Radioassay and the thyroid gland. Metabolism. 1973 Aug;22 (8):1021-6
  • Schall RF Jr, Fraser AS, Hansen HW, Kern CW, Tenoso HJ. A sensitive manual enzyme immunoassay for thyroxine. Clin Chem. 1978 Oct;24 (10):1801-4
  • Selenkow HA, Robin NI. The diagnosis and management of common thyroid diseases. J Maine Med Assoc. 1970 Oct;61 (10):199-211 passim
  • Sterling K, Hegedus A. Measurement of free thyroxine concentration in human serum. J Clin Invest. 1962 May;41:1031-40
  • Surks MI, Squef R, Oppenheimer JH, Hauer H. Binding of Thyroxine by serum proteins evaluated by equilibrum dialysis and electrophoretic techniques. Alterations in nonthyroidal illness. J Clin Invest.. 1963 Nov; 42 :1769-82
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