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Human Periostin ELISA

  • Regulatory status:RUO
  • Type:Sandwich ELISA, HRP-labelled antibody
  • Other names:Periostin, PN, OSF-2, POSTN, Fasciclin-I like, Osteoblast Specific Factor 2 (Pleiotrophin, PTN, Heparin-binding growth-associated molecule, HB-GAM, Heparin-binding growth factor 8, HBGF-8, OSF-2, Heparin-binding neurite outgrowth-promoting factor 2, HBNF-2, Heparin-binding brain mitogen, HBBM ), NCK
  • Species:Human
Cat. No. Size Price

RAG019R 96 wells (1 kit) $646
PubMed Product Details
Technical Data


Sandwich ELISA, HRP-labelled antibody


The Periostin (human) ELISA Kit is to be used for the in vitro quantitative determination of human periostin in cell culture supernatants, serum and plasma. This ELISA Kit is for research use only.


Serum, Plasma, Cell culture supernatant

Sample Requirements

100 ul (diluted)


On blue ice packs. Upon receipt, store the product at the temperature recommended below.


Store the complete kit at 2–8°C. Under these conditions, the kit is stable until the expiration date (see label on the box).

Calibration Curve

Calibration Range

78–5000 pg/ml

Limit of Detection

15 pg/ml

Intra-assay (Within-Run)

CV = 7.12%

Inter-assay (Run-to-Run)

CV = 7.62%

Dilution Linearity



This ELISA is specific for the measurement of natural and recombinant human periostin. It has been tested on human periostin isoforms 1 and 2 (should detect human isoforms 3 and 4). It does cross-react with mouse periostin.



  • RUO
  • calibration range 78-5000 pg/ml
  • limit of detection 15 pg/ml

Research topic

Bone and cartilage metabolism, Cardiovascular disease, Cytokines and chemokines and related molecules, Extracellular matrix, Oncology


Periostin, also termed osteoblast-specific factor 2 (OSF-2), is a 90-kDa secreted protein that shares a homology with the insect axon guidance protein fasciclin I (1). Periostin is one of four known mammalian genes that contain fasciclin domains with stabilin 1 and 2, as well asTGFβ- Induced Gene-Human clone 3 (BIGH3 )(2). Periostin protein is composed of a signal sequence, four-coiled fasciclin-like repeats, an amino-terminal cysteine-rich region (EMI domain), and heparin-binding domains present in the carboxyl tail. Periostin contains gamma- carboxyglutamate residues that are formed by vitamin K dependent carboxylation (3). These residues are essential for the binding of calcium. Periostin is thought to be involved in osteoblast recruitment, attachment and spreading. It is a component of the extracellular matrix. The N-terminus part of periostin (up to exon 16) is conserved, while the C-terminal region (comprising exon 17–23) gives rise to different splice isoforms upon alternative splicing. The isoforms have a molecular weight range from 83 kDa to 93 kDa (4). Six different periostin splice isoforms have been reported, but only four of them were sequenced and annotated. Periostin is expressed during ontogenesis and down regulated in adult except in bones, in collagen-rich fibrous connective tissues subjected to constant mechanical stress, such as periodontal ligament (PDL), heart valves, skin and tendons. Periostin expression is also observed in niches in direct contact with tissue-specific stem cells in mammary gland, bone, and intestine. Periostin has been found to be overexpressed in various type of human tumors including neuroblastoma, head and neck cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, non-small cell lung carcinoma, breast cancer, colon cancer, pancratic ductal adenocarcinoma and ovarian cancer (5). Isoforms of periostin are over-expressed by stromal cells in several human ovary, breast, colon, and brain tumors. Abnormal expression of periostin is also linked to angiogenesis and metastasis in epithelial tumors. Periostin is expressed by fibroblasts in the normal tissue and in the stroma of the primary tumour. Infiltrating tumour cells need to induce stromal Periostin expression in the secondary target organ to initiate colonization. Periostin is crucial for cancer stem cell maintenance (6). Periostin up-regulation in cancers usually correlates with aggressiveness and/or poor survival.

Summary References (3)

References to Osteoblast Specific Factor 2

  • Horiuchi K, Amizuka N, Takeshita S, Takamatsu H, Katsuura M, Ozawa H, Toyama Y, Bonewald LF, Kudo A. Identification and characterization of a novel protein, periostin, with restricted expression to periosteum and periodontal ligament and increased expression by transforming growth factor beta. J Bone Miner Res. 1999 Jul;14 (7):1239-49
  • Takeshita S, Kikuno R, Tezuka K, Amann E. Osteoblast-specific factor 2: cloning of a putative bone adhesion protein with homology with the insect protein fasciclin I. Biochem J. 1993 Aug 15;294 ( Pt 1):271-8
  • Ulstrup JC, Jeansson S, Wiker HG, Harboe M. Relationship of secretion pattern and MPB70 homology with osteoblast-specific factor 2 to osteitis following Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccination. Infect Immun. 1995 Feb;63 (2):672-5
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